
Basic In-game Champion Stats
Your basic stats are located on the bottom left of the game screen
 This vertical list represents most of your important statistics at a glance. These are all public if an enemy can select you.
  • [Axe] Attack Damage (AD): This is the amount of damage that your auto-attacks will deal before armor. Some skills scale with attack damage.
  • [Wand] Ability Power (AP): This stat increases the strength of skills that scale with ability power.
  • [Sword] Attack Speed (AS): This is the number of auto-attacks your character can perform in one second. Maxes out at 2.5 attacks per second.
  • [Boot] Movement Speed: The amount of distance your champion can travel during one second of movement.*
  • [Shield] Armor (AR): The amount of armor your character has against physical damage. (See below for chart)
  • [Blue shield] Magic Resistance (MR): The amount of magic armor your character has against magical damage. (See below for chart)
*Boots will offer varying levels of movespeed. Movespeed 1 will give you +50, And each level afterward adds +20. Up to a maximum of movespeed 5 reaching +130 movement. Boots are unique and you will only gain the movement benefit from the fastest item. Movement speed has a 'soft cap' meaning that after a certain point you will receive reduced bonuses from additional items and effects.

 Armor and Magic Resist share the same damage reduction formula so this chart works for both.

All champions start with at-least 30 MR.
The Formula: ( Resistance / ( 100 + Absolute Value of Resistance ) ) = Damage Mitigation

What this means is if you have 125 Armor, and an enemy has 150 AD, when they attack you it will be reduced by 56% and you will only take 66 damage. If you had -25 armor though* and the same enemy attacked you you would take 180 damage! ouch!

* Negative resistances are only possible through reduction effects found on the Black Cleaver, Starks Fervor, Abyssal Scepter, Malady, or Exhaust with the mastery upgrade. There are a few champions that can reduce resistances as well.

Detailed Stats
Press 'C' or click the character's profile in the bottom left for detailed stat information.

The stats we did not cover in the basic section:
  • Hitpoints: This is your health pool. If you reach 0 / X you will die.
  • HP Regen per 5: This is the amount of life you naturally recover over the course of 5 seconds.
  • Armor Penetration: (Left) Flat armor penetration. Your attacks ignore X amount of armor.
  • Armor Penetration: (Right) Percentile armor penetration: Your attacks ignore X% armor, this is applied AFTER flat penetration.
  • Lifesteal: Your attacks heal you for X% of the damage you deal. Lifesteal scales additively.
  • Crit Chance: X% chance to critical strike. Critical strikes deal 200% AD damage before armor.
  • Range: The maximum distance that your character can auto-attack.
  • Mana: This is the energy pool for most champions, you need mana to execute most skills.
  • MP Regen per 5: The amount of mana you gain naturally over 5 seconds.
  • Spell Penetration: Same as armor penetration, applies to skills that deal magic damage.
  • Spell Vamp: Same as Lifesteal, applies to skills that deal magic damage. Spells that can deal damage in an area of effect only get 33% of total spell vamp.
  • Cooldown Reduction (CDR): Reduces the recharge time of champion skills. Maxes at 40%. CDR scales additively.
  • Dodge: X% chance for incoming auto-attacks to miss. Dodge scales multiplicatively.