Game Basics (Videos)

Video Tutorials:

Most of these videos are from the European Riot staff so please bare with the accents. Some of the interfaces will be out-of-date but the content is mostly the same. I'll try my best to correct information that is no longer true.

Very useful advice about towers.

Content warning: The summoner spell Promote no longer exists. Rally no longer heals nearby allies.

Taking out inhibitors is the fastest way to win the game. Inhibitors will respawn after 5 minutes.

The higher summoner level you get the more team fights will determine the outcome of games. It's a good idea to learn how to use your champion and summoner abilities to help contribute to these fights.

This is more of a intermediate level tutorial, but it offers some good basic information about bushes.

This is a decent tutorial covering the basics of map awareness. The narrator mentions using map pings (hotkey G) to notify allies about an event happening on the map. And very briefly mentions Sight wards, Vision wards.

Sight and Vision wards are consumables that when placed will give you line of sight around their location. This can be particularly useful when placed in the river so you know when enemies are crossing over to your side of the map or are coming to try and kill you. A ward placed outside of a bush cannot see inside, but a ward placed inside of a bush can both see inside and out.

A few champion abilities such as Shaco's Jack in the Box, Nidalee's Bushwhack, Ashe's Hawkshot, Twisted Fate's Destiny, and Teemo's Noxious Traps can all be used to give the team a greater amount of map awareness.

Vision wards and Oracles elixirs are the way to counter stealthed enemies and objects. A ward is a stationary object, so finding the correct place to plant it can be tricky, but it's also less expensive than an Oracles elixir. Oracles elixir will grant you true-sight in a small radius until your champion is killed. Common stealthed enemies and objects are: Noxious Traps, Jack-in-the-boxes, Wards, Teemo, Akali, Eveylnn, Twitch, and Shaco. Because of it's prohibitive price, champions less prone to death should be the ones to purchase an oracles elixir if needed.

There is no narration here, simply a demonstration on last-hitting.

Enemy minions will only grant gold to the source of the killing blow. By allowing your minions to attack the enemy minions, opposed to constantly auto-attacking them yourself, it becomes significantly easier to time your killing blows. With some practice you'll be able to earn the gold for most of the minions in each wave. More gold equals more items.